A Note to Manufacturers

I'm Happy if You're Happy.

Just use the Contact button below. I'll change links or spelling, punctuation or whatever.

If you'd rather I listed another video or web link, send me the link.

If you don't want to be listed here just let me know. I'll try to remove you ASAP but it's just me here and sometimes I'm out in the wilderness.

As it is the site doesn't list models. I'm open to discussing that if it is a big issue for you. I am open to discussing any changes in the site. Just drop me an email.

Larger companies should send requests with your companies business email address so I can be certain of its authenticity.

I don't accept advertising.

Possible Future Changes to this Website

I'd like to have some input from Manufacturers concerning possible changes in the website. The "Cajons By Country" pages are a bit bland. I'd like to have a single photo from each manufacturer added above their name. Two issues for me with this, one is that I'd need permission each manufacturer. Which is a lot of work for me to email and check. The other is that it will 'stack' the page a bit more so the folks at the end of the alphabet will be farther from the top. Not sure that is a big issue but it's something to think about. If you have any ideas please hit the contact button below. Thanks.
